The importance of breakfast

kahvaltiChildren need breakfast

Adults need to have breakfast to experience a better day while the need of children to have breakfast is even more. Continuous body and brain development of children necessitates a regular intake of nutrients. When they skip breakfast, they proceed an hunger period which may be as longer as 18 hours and this half hunger situation can create lots of physical, mental and behavioral problems. If adults or children skip the breakfast in order to sleep a few more minutes, in fact it means they are missing a nutritious meal that will make them be in a fine fettle. You can be more fruitful in your job by charging your brain and body via breakfast. It is practical to prepare fast and nutritious breakfast by pouring of milk on whole grain breakfast cereal for your children.

Breakfast in adults

Scientific studies show that skipping meals, especially breakfast, is one of the main reasons that makes it hard to control body weight. Skipping breakfast results in over eating in the next meal and consuming high calorie foods in order to suppress hunger. To start the day with a well balanced diet, foods that are low in fat and rich in complex carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and vitamins must be preffered. With their low calorie values and rich nutrition contents, whole grains are the perfect breakfast alternatives.

Why should we consume whole grain?

Grains come into the form of flour by milling in grinders in classical grain processing. However, endosperms are separated from bran and wheat germ during this refining process and grains lose a great part of their ingredients where only starch containing part of the grain is being benefited.

tam_tahilli_urunlerWhole grain containing foods are rich in terms of complex carbohydrates, proteins, fiber (diet pulp), vitamin B, antioxidants, zinc, iron, copper and magnesium as all three parts of the grain (endosperm, bran and wheat germ) are remained. Meals containing whole grains provide a slow and balanced use of energy in the body resulting in being active and full upon whole day. A nutrition style that is rich in whole grains has proven to reduce the risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes1, obezity2 and some cancer types by scientific studies. In addition to these, this type of food aid in regulating the digestion system functions as fiber containing food consumption has been shown to act in improvement of intestinal movement.

Van Dam RM, Hu FB, Rosenberg L, Krishnan S, Palmer JR. Dietary calcium and magnesium, major food sources, and risk of type 2 diabetes in U.S. black women. Diabetes Care. 2006; 29(10): 2238-2243.
2 Harland JI, Garton LE. Whole-grain intake as a marker of healthy body weight and adiposity. Public Health Nutr. 2008; 11: 554–563.
3 (a) Schatzkin A, Park Y, Leitzmann MF, Hollenbeck AR, Cross AJ. Prospective Study of Dietary Fiber, Whole Grain Foods, and Small Intestinal Cancer. Gastroenterology. 2008; 135:1163-1167. (b) Chan JM, Wang F, Holly EA. Whole grains and risk of pancreatic cancer in a large population-based case-control study in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Am J Epidemiol.2007;166(10):1174-1185.

What is whole Grain?

tam_tahilGrain is composed of three parts – bran, endosperm and seed – each of which affects its own integrity and quality.

BRAN: It is the rich in fiber exterior shell that protects endosperm and seed from environmental factors. Fibers contain a lot of important nutrients including Vitamin B, minerals, protein and phytochemicals which are all nutritious elements.

ENDOSPERM: It is the starch containing part of grain. It provides nourishment for growing seed and acts as main energy supply of the plant.

WHEAT GERM (SEED): Highly rich interior and the smallest part of grain that contains plant embryo. It contains fats, minerals like zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamin B and E, useful nutritional agents and phytochemicals.